
25 Ucapan Selamat Hari Jadi Kabupaten Karawang ke-390 Bahasa Inggris, Penuh Harapan dan Doa Baik!

  • Kabupaten Karawang, today is a day to celebrate our history and potential. Happy birthday!
  • Congratulations to Kabupaten Karawang on its 390th birthday! Let’s stay united in our diversity.
  • Happy Birthday, Karawang! May each year bring blessings and greater accomplishments.
  • The 390th anniversary of Kabupaten Karawang is proof of the determination and spirit of its people. Celebrate this journey!
  • Happy HUT Kabupaten Karawang! May we continue to grow and make this region even better.
  • Beloved Kabupaten Karawang, happy birthday! Let’s continue to work together for a brighter future.
  • Congratulations to Karawang filled with hope! May we continue to write a glorious history.
  • Happy Anniversary, Kabupaten Karawang! Let’s keep building and inspiring.
  • Kabupaten Karawang, happy 390th birthday! May success and happiness always accompany us.

    These wishes express pride and hope for a bright future for the beloved Kabupaten Karawang on its 390th anniversary.***

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