
20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Perdamaian Internasional 2023 Versi Bahasa Inggris, Menarik untuk Dibagikan ke Sosmed

5. “In our diversity, let’s find the common ground that leads to peace. Happy International Day of Peace 2023!”

6. “Peace is a precious legacy for future generations. Happy International Day of Peace!”

7. “May our hearts always be filled with love, tolerance, and wisdom. Happy International Day of Peace 2023!”

BACA JUGA:10 Link Twibbon Maulid Nabi 2023 dengan Desain Menarik dan Inspiratif, Cocok untuk Dibagikan ke Sosmed

8. “Let’s make every day a day for peace. Happy International Day of Peace!”

9. “The world needs more peace, more love, and more unity. Happy International Day of Peace!”

10. “Peace is the fundamental right of every individual. Let’s collectively advocate for global peace. Happy International Day of Peace 2023!”

11. “Let’s strive to eradicate violence and conflict from the face of the Earth. Happy International Day of Peace!”

12. “Peace is a symbol of strength, not weakness. Happy International Day of Peace 2023!”

13. “We may be different, but we all share the same hope to live in peace. Happy International Day of Peace!”

14. “Peace is the most beautiful gift we can give to future generations. Happy International Day of Peace!”

15. “Let’s build bridges instead of walls and spread love instead of hate. Happy International Day of Peace 2023!”

16. “We are global citizens, and peace is our right. Happy International Day of Peace!”

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